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Kershner - 01-15-2015
just home from the 4th time around(senior parents meeting). 30 years coming on fast! Wow where has the time gone. Still here in the bubble! Ugh keep in touch all! Scott Robison - 03-03-2010
haven't visited site since grad. Recognize some of you but I seemed to have kept myself an outsider and didn't really partake in high school. Â It's good to see some familiar faces from the past. Â Take great care all. Mark Miller - 08-09-2008
I think I'll join Rich in posting on the site...still stationed in Virginia and am about to leave my stint supporting Special Warfare and go back to the big Navy doing my weather forecasting. At least I won't be on a ship and have only 3-4 years till retirement. Hopefully I'll be able to roll up to River this summer during some leave time and maybe go and see a Browns Game. Otherwise, I'll be sure to contact one of ya'll if I roll into town and we'll sit down and have a shot and a beer. Rich Sinatra - 07-17-2008
since it has been a year that anyone has done anything with this book, think I'll make an entry. All has been well and passed by the old junior high yesterday and that place is a palace. puts the high school to shame. Still in Rocky River and still liking it. Kirschner was complaining before that he was trying to get people together for a few drinks and noone was responding. I will take the bull by the horns and if anyone wants to get together, post up on the guestbook and we can all go to a local establishment and imbibe.
And by the way, Holy crap, Michelle Lahiff even found our site? That has to be a new record for blast from the past googling. Michele Lahiff (Arick) - 08-22-2007
Hello everyone!
First off, many thanks to Chuck Straub who directed me to this site!
Admittedly I have spent the past hour 'goofing off' (when I am supposed to be working...good thing I am working from home today) just perusing the photos, and secretly wishing I had never left River! I cannot tell you how often I have wondered about everyone...what you have all been up to and just what has transpired with all of you since the 8th grade Cedar Point trip (the last time I set eyes on most of you!).
Remember me? I went to Kensington from K-6th, then RR Jr. High from 7-8th grade prior to moving with my family to Southern California. I emailed Chuck and just to spark his memory, admitted that I was and am guilty of squishing Darrel's Twinkies, melting crayons on the radiator, putting a thumbtack on Mrs. Boyer's chair and sitting on gum, which readily stuck to my hands and the carpet. Mrs. Boyer didn't exactly deserve that, as she had to reserve her energy for chasing Eric Romwebber around the room, over and underneath chairs. ;-)
Thankfully, my children (ages 15, 14, 8 and 2.5 year old twins) haven't been as challenging as I was, though in essence, I was a relatively good kid. No...really! Besides, I'm coming clean now! I was a model kid in HS!
I have a degree in Music Education/Vocal Performance and taught theory and piano for awhile prior to being a stay at home mom (the hours are never-ending and you are never truly 'off'). I then decided to switch gears entirely and return to school for Information Technology and became a QA and Training Manager for a company which provides third party support to several large companies. I am currently a Business Analyst/Project Manager and returning to school for my MBA.
I also am Founder and President of two Non Profit Organizations, which along with everything else (including being Mom and all the responsibility that entails, Domestic Goddess, careers, school) keeps me in a general 'Tasmanian Devil Mode'. Yes, I spin many plates and I rarely if EVER drop any! I am the Queen of Multitasking. :-)
I have lived in OH, CO, MI and now IA, the latter not exactly being my favorite place to reside, but I have only been here for a few months and I will give it some time. I have one word for you, however. Corn. LOTS of corn.
Oh how I have missed everyone! Southern California is a nice place to visit (though I would never want to live there again...EVER), and in spite of being extremely active in HS, I always wished that I had been able to go to RR HS...with the same kids that I had essentially 'grown up' with at Kensington! I feel closer to you, than the friends I have from CA.
I was thrilled to view the pictures on this site! There are far too many people to mention...but I have deeply enjoyed seeing everyone looking happy with friends and families at the reunion. When will the next one be? I would absolutely LOVE to go!
Alas, I have taken up so much room in this post....so I will depart and say, 'I MISS YOU!' Feel free to email me as I would love to 'catch up'!
Michele :-)
PS. Linda Jorgensen...thank you so much for tying my shoes for me, far beyond the time when I should have known how myself. If it's any consolation to you, my 8 year old went through the same shoe-typing aversion! ;-) Chris Dippel (nee Mullen) - 12-26-2006
Hello everyone. Most of you probably don't remember me. I moved out of Rocky River after 8th grade. I never really went to RRHS, although I did register for classes and get fitted for a marching band uniform! Since I went to Rocky River Schools for grades 3-8, I really feel connected there. I have enjoyed looking at all the pictures from the reunion, although, I wish they were ALL labelled so that I can tell who they are. Some haven't changed much..but others more so. I would really love to be a part of the 25th if there is one...if you'll have me. I now live in Michigan with my three kids, 19-16-14. I would love to hear from anyone. I am specifically looking for Sandy Smith or Kriss Leonard. If you can help me with that, I'd be grateful. Thanks and hope to see you all again some day!!
This might help you guys remember me...John, Debbie and I used to challenge each other over and over for first chair Clarinet at RRJHS with Mr. Hershey as director...ring a bell????
Chris Dippel (nee Mullen) Matt Weixel - 08-19-2006
First off - Geoff, by the power invested in me by my own high opinion of myself, I hereby declare your existence to be valid. By all means, crash the 25th reunion; hope to see you there.
That being said, an update on me: I did a little career re-focussing, and I decided to move back to Dallas in May where I'm working for 'a large multi-national retail coffee company' (gee, guess which one?) with the short-term goal of running my own store, which should happen about a year from now. I had worked here before as I was wrapping up my degree, and I love it - if I were independently wealthy, I'd still work here just for fun! I'm going to try to get together with Jay Gerson once he's back from a stint in Iraq, which I believe happens soon, so I'm looking forward to that. Aside from that, it was great seeing everybody at the 20th reunion, and I can't wait for the 25th!
By the way - does anybody else own a scanner? Geoffrey Nixon - 05-19-2006
will someone please contact me and validate my existence! Geoffrey Nixon - 04-22-2006
What's up, ya'll?! I know I moved junior year but since I came to River in 6th grade I feel like I belong. I remember being a geek, and I remember all the bullies!! I also had a distinct inability to get a date. The only reason I joined the football team was to that end and it didn't work! Since I moved to Northern California in 1984 I've undergone a world of change. I'm a tattoo artist and black belt in Goju Ryu Karate and I've also been in a rock band that I founded 15 years ago. I'm the lead singer, songwriter, and rythym guitarist. If anyone is interested go to olddeadbug.com or My Space and look for Old Dead Bug!! I second Pallidino's regrets and look forward to the 25 year if there is one. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you, please write! LOve Geoff Malcolm Robertson - 01-25-2006
Hello fellow classmates!
Although I never graduated RRHS, I always felt more apart of it than the high school I graduated from. Wow, it's mindblowing to think that it's been over twenty years. It was neat to see the pictures from the reunion and what folks look like now. I've recently been back in contact with my old buddy Dean Lauer. Perhaps I'll have to crash the 25th reunion!
Best Wishes to ALL!
Malcolm Robertson Tom Coste - 12-21-2005
25 years since jr high......
sorry about not being around in the classrooms during highschool but have always been around the extra carriculars with the fellas... I, as well as many others, live in RR, next door to my parents. It is always good run into the old crowd around town. Take care and have a merry christmas! Tony (Anthony) Palladino - 10-21-2005
20 years??!!?? I cant believe it. I didnt realize its been so long, and I guess I missed the reunion...please let me know if we have a 25 year. I have been living in Naples Florida since 1986 I am Married (Cindy) and have 2 children Emily (3) and Jenna (step-daughter 19). I am a custom home builder and land developer and life is GREAT!!!! Tony Palladino - 10-20-2005
Just foun this website.... I love it! Sorry I missed out on all the fun.
20 YEARS??!!??!! WOW Mary De Frasia - 08-07-2005
HEY THERE EVERYONE! It's very cool to see everyone's pictures! I have to say... I'm a little behind in the marriage and kids thing!! No worries! I'll catch up! :) I've been busy with my career and I can honestly say, I'm ready to slow down. I have spent the last 15 years in sales within the healthcare industry... traveling mostly in the Eastern Region of the US! I'm ready to look for a house and 'live' a little! I can't wait to see everyone!
Mary! Sonja (Petrovski) May - 08-01-2005
I am married with two kids Julia 9 and Nicholas 7. I am living in Akron which is still not to far to visit. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
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