Rocky River High School Class of 1985
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Rocky River High School Class of 1985 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 63
Getting older and proud of it! Yes like it or not.....we're all getting a little grayer, a few more wrinkles, carrying a few extra lbs, a few less hairs. It's part of life! Share recent pictures of yourselves or with your families.. Simply click add photos link.

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Just back from a Karate Tournament, almost broke my left hand!   Check out the brace!   I zigged when I should have zagged!
Posted By: Geoffrey Nixon
Views: 3517

A sandstorm in Baghdad.
Posted By: Mark Miller
Views: 3371

This is at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the International Zone (Green Zone) in Baghdad.
Posted By: Mark Miller
Views: 3442

Me and one of Saddam's bombed out palaces in Baghdad.
Posted By: Mark Miller
Views: 3285

A friend and me in Afghanistan.
Posted By: Mark Miller
Views: 3293

Eric, Cory and Tommy Dixon
Posted By: Judy Dixon
Views: 3281

Picture 2 Have just placed patient in a Stokes basket to be hauled up 20 ft to be transported to the local hospital for treatment. Better view of patient's left leg injury.
Posted By: Mike Hagedorn
Views: 3294

Picture 1 Mike Hagedorn hard at work in a Confined Space Rescue of an individual who fell 20 ft into a 10 ft by 10 ft area on Oct 6, 2005. The man had a fracture of both Tibia and Fibula of his l...
Posted By: Mike Hagedorn
Views: 3293

Preparing for Dive Rescue class. Task: 2 divers retrieve a 185 lb dummy from a sunken school bus in 40 ft of water. Thank goodness for all the years of swimming in the frigid water of Lake Erie.
Posted By: Mike Hagedorn
Views: 3337

(Mein Leben) Michael, Kylie, Matthew, and Carmellia-Lynn Hagedorn
Posted By: Mike Hagedorn
Views: 3250

The Hagedorn clan: Michael, Kylie, Matthew, Carmellia-Lynn
Posted By: Mike Hagedorn
Views: 3263

Dinner in Bellagio, Italy
Posted By: Chris Thomas
Views: 3377

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